There was one thing in particular that drew me in to this restaurant out of the many vegan restaurants to choose from in Milwaukee. However, it ended up being several things on the menu that kept me coming back. I’m not joking. I ate at this place 3 times in 2 days. The dinner was amazing and the item that I spoke on previously that drew me in exceeded my expectations by a log shot: chicken fried oyster mushrooms.

This is by far the closest thing to fried chicken I’ve tasted to date. And I mean that in a good way. It’s light and fluffy and melts in your mouth. Not to mention the bullafo wing sauce that it comes with. My second time at Donna Jean I ordered the pizza made with cashew mozzarella and almond ricotta cheeses. On my last visit there I went for the brunch which was one of the best I’ve had. That’s why I’m putting Donna Jean in my top 3 vegan Restaurants to try when traveling through Wisconsin.


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